Wednesday, August 27, 2008

day 2 - or the clear lense of futility

You've probably moved beyond being interested in what time I wake up, but in case you haven't, let me assure you I've been awake since the 7:00 hour today.

Do you ever fall into the trap of feeling that no matter what you do, your efforts are completely ineffective in reaching the desired end. Well, I might have just gotten my foot stuck. I'm not saying that no matter what you do, the situation won't change, but maybe you (meaning I) am just not doing the right things. Something like pushing on the pull door.

I have learned a lesson, when a number of people offer you a job, listen... Don't assume that opportunities just hang around waiting to be called back. If its not already obvious, I'm looking for a job. At this point you have two options, well maybe three.

1. Hire me
2. Decide you don't want to listen to my whining and stop reading
3. Think to yourself that there might be something funny in the rest of this post and keep reading just because you are a hopeful and believing kind of person, in which case you wouldn't be disappointed if there wasn't something funny in the rest of this post at all, speaking of the rest of the post...

I've been working at Murray City for over four years. In my reckoning that is forever, or at least a whole lot longer than your typical "seasonal" employee. During this time I turned down a number of job offers, instead choosing to remain at my post and dutifully do whatever it is that I do. Lucky for me, the new full time planning job at the city that had represented my holy grail instead turned into a illicit nightmare in castle anthrax. Wow, that is not a good comparison at all, but it seemed clever at the time. What really happened it that the new department head who didn't know me from Adam gave the job to a former cast member of Reno 911. Ok, also not what really happened. but he is from Reno, so you never know.

As a result. I will continue my stint in the role of semi stay at home husband in training and bask in the resplendent glow of career limbo. Not a bad gig, but it would eventually be nice to move to a position that isn't titled "Office Specialist 1" whatever that is...

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